TSS feature spotlight: GMR automation

To move goods from Great Britain (GB) to Northern Ireland (NI) travelling via Roll on Roll off (RoRo) ports, you will need a Goods Movement Reference (GMR) from HM Government’s Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS). 

The GMR is a number and a barcode that links together all the customs declarations associated with a particular shipment; so, the GMR covers all the goods being moved within a particular vehicle or trailer(s). 

Hauliers and carriers are required to provide a GMR for each commercial vehicle or trailer(s) that leaves GB for NI. 

The GMR proves that the necessary declarations have either been pre-lodged (submitted prior to movement) or are not required for all the goods being moved. This speeds up the clearance of the goods through customs.

Need more information? Visit the ‘Step-by-step GMR creation via the TSS Portal (GMR automation)’ section in the Creating a Goods Movement Reference guide on NICTA.

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