This page hosts information relating to recent updates and changes to the Trader Support Service (TSS) Portal, policy around movements into and out of Northern Ireland, and the NICTA website and guidance.
If you require further information or support on any changes, please consult the TSS Contact Centre for support on 0800 060 8888.
Future updates
May 2025
- The next update to the TSS Portal is currently scheduled for May 2025
Past updates
March 2025
TSS Portal:
- Updates to the User Interface on the TSS Portal
February 2025
TSS Portal:
- Updates to support Maritime movements
- Company Profile page updates to assist Traders in preparation for Windsor Framework
November 2024
TSS Portal:
- Changes to support ICS2 Maritime movements
- New NICTA guide introduced: ENS Step by Step guide for maritime movements from GB to NI
- New NICTA guide introduced: Goods Description guide
September 2024
TSS Portal:
- NIRMS Authorisation
- Revised Maritime Inventory page
May 2024
TSS Portal:
- Allow GB as well as XI prefix to be entered into the 'Guarantee Reference Number (CGU) for XI EORI' and 'DPO Number (Deferment of payment authorisation
- Remove Air from Core ENS Customer Journey & add Non ILP Air option to FFD Customer Journey
April 2024
TSS Portal:
- Changes to support GB EORI Name Address to CDS
- Expand on the existing Additional Information Codes
January 2024
TSS Portal:
- Changes to XI EORI system functionality in alignment with upcoming CDS UKIMS Validation in March 2024, including the removal of GB UKIMS content and logic requirements
- Changes to Portal Design User Interface Landing Page & Dashboard
- Subsidy Recording: Removal of subsidy recording from TSS
- Introduced functionality to cancel a draft Standalone SFD, without associated consignments
- New Landing Page Introduced: Northern Ireland Plant Health Label Scheme (NIPHL)
- New Checklist Introduced: Northern Ireland Plant Health Label Scheme checklist
- New Landing Introduced: Northern Ireland Retail Movement Scheme (NIRMS)”
October 2023
TSS Portal:
- Service Enhancement: Hyperlinks in automatically generated emails during case creation
- NIRMS Checklist introduced
September 2023
TSS Portal:
- UK Trader Scheme (UKTS) & UK Internal Market Scheme (UKIMS): UKTS wording amended to reflect transition towards UKIMS
- Duty Reimbursement Scheme: Traders able to request production of ‘Declaration Duty Paid Report’
- Subsidy Recording: Restriction and final removal of TSS Subsidy Recording
- XI EORI validation check: Traders with an XI EORI number can see the validity status through their company profile
- Alcohol Duty: Reference data changes and introduction of national additional code X300
- Service Enhancement: Trader notification regarding the use of Manual Surveys for CSAT
- Service Enhancement: Option to make an SFD/EIDR only from an ENS only
- Service Enhancement: UKIMS Authorisation Document Records format validation updated
July 2023
TSS Portal:
- Supplementary Declarations: Goods lines validation added to identify failed Document Code requirements
- UK Internal Market Scheme: UKIMS authorisation details can now be added to the Document Records section on Company Profiles
- Transit GB-IE-NI: Numerous changes including checks for Transport ID format, Importer EORI validation and automatic notifications.
- Importer Parent Organisation authorisation: Parent EORI numbers can now be recorded on Company Profiles
- National Additional Code validation: New validations check introduced for National Additional Code field
June 2023
TSS Portal:
- CDS 4.0: Introduction of business rules to provide buyer and seller data elements at a consignment (header) level on Supplementary Declarations
- Periodic Declarations: Supplementary Declarations for a given calendar month can now be combined into a single Periodic Declaration (PD)
- GMR Automation: Drivers can now receive updates for GMR status changes including GMR inspection
- Service Enhancement: New button available in Case View to view a related Declaration, GMR or Inventory Claim record
- Introduction of new Periodic Declarations guide
- Full re-structuring of the GMR guide
- “Windsor Framework” header added to Homepage, including new Windsor Framework and UKIMS landing pages with webinars
April 2023
TSS Portal:
- Introduction of GMR ‘Inspection Required’ field
- Introduction of ‘Importer Parent Organisation EORI’ field to the Entry Summary Declaration, Simplified Frontier Declaration and Supplementary Declaration
- Update to ‘Item Addition / Deduction Code’ field
- Initial implementation of new template for guidance
February 2023
TSS Portal:
- Introduction of ‘Destination Country’ field at the consignment (header) level
- Introduction of ‘Auto-update GMR’ functionality
- Introduction of read-only field to identify Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) templates
- Update to ‘Copy Goods Line’ functionality
- Update to ‘Copy Consignment’ functionality so that additional fields will be copied to the new consignment details
- Exclusion of documents that cannot template to minimise risk of errors or duplicate document codes
- Introduction of rule to prevent Trader Input Required (TIR) cases being created where there is an existing case
- Introduction of ‘Make Me Case Contact’ button for traders to appoint themselves as the point of contact for a case
January 2023
TSS Portal:
- CDS Valuation Methods 2 and 3 reintroduced
- CDS Dual Tariff changes implemented
- ‘EUPRF’ Additional Information statement code introduced
December 2022
TSS Portal:
- Goods Movement References now generatable via the TSS Portal directly
- Commodity Code Tariff guide link introduced for identifying correct commodity codes
- Introduction of a Save and Add New button when viewing a document reference
- New UKTS Help Sheet
October 2022
TSS Portal:
- Importers can now check declarations parties upon Supplementary Declaration submission
- TSS Portal design improvements for performance, searchability and useability
- CDS Valuation Methods 4, 5 and 6 reintroduced
August 2022
TSS Portal:
- Enhancements to streamline the number of automated emails sent to TSS users
- Introduction of the ability to review declaration parties on the TSS company profile, making it easier for Importers to see all Hauliers moving their goods
- Introduction of the ability to upload official KTS authorisation documentation to the TSS company profile, enabling UKTS status to be validated on TSS accounts
June 2022
TSS Portal:
- Launch of the Assisted Completion Service, available to all traders for support with completion of up to 5 Supplementary Declarations per month
- Submission deadline for Supplementary Declarations has changed to 9pm on the fourth working day of the month following the goods movement. This is 3 hours earlier than the previous cut-off of midnight.
- Introduction of automated generation of Final Supplementary Declaration for goods movements on the TSS simplified journey
- Service enhancements for increased support for error resolution, including improved information in the emails you receive about errors on your declarations, and pop-ups when you leave key fields blank
- Introduction of increased support and automation for the amalgamation of multiple inventory claims for maritime movements into inventory-linked ports in Northern Ireland
May 2022
- Launch of a trader journey assistant tool to point you towards relevant guidance and declarations
- Restructuring of the NICTA website, informed by your feedback, to make it more intuitive and easier to navigate
- Launch of feedback capturing mechanism on NICTA website
April 2022
TSS Portal:
- Added requirement for the Importer to be registered on TSS and have a valid Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number in order to enable the automatic creation of a Simplified Frontier Declaration from an Entry Summary Declaration submitted by a haulier in TSS. If the Importer is not registered on TSS, the haulier can only create a standalone Entry Summary Declaration in TSS
- New guide on How to Use TSS Portal added
- New guide on submitting Supplementary Declarations using Valuation Methods 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6
- New checklist on Oral Declarations
- Search functionality improved on NICTA
February 2022
TSS Portal:
- Special procedures and relief options available on the TSS simplified journey and Supplementary Declarations
- Agents and Intermediaries able to use their own Duty Deferment Account for payments on Full Frontier Declarations
January 2022
TSS Portal:
- Validation of data requirements for controlled goods at the item level introduced on Entry Summary Declarations
- 2022 harmonized system for commodity codes introduced
- New additional procedure code introduced for grouping commodity codes on Supplementary Declarations made after January 2022
December 2021
TSS Portal:
- New methods of payments introduced for Agents and Intermediaries
- Introduction ability to claim Customs Duty waivers for goods imported from Rest of World excluding the European Union using a Full Frontier Declaration