The UK Trader Scheme (UKTS) has been replaced by the UK Internal Market Scheme (UKIMS)

The UK Trader Scheme was introduced to support businesses moving goods between Great Britain (GB) and Northern Ireland (NI) to help ensure traders don't pay tariffs on the movement of goods into NI from GB where those goods remain in the United Kingdom's (UK) customs territory.

What has changed?

On the 27 February 2023, the UK Government and the EU agreed the Windsor Framework. The agreement establishes a new scheme - the UK Internal Market Scheme - which replaced the UK Trader Scheme on 30 September 2023.

The new UK Internal Market Scheme is an enhanced trusted trader scheme that has significantly expanded the number of businesses eligible to move goods into NI as 'not at risk' of entering the EU.

Once the Windsor Framework is fully delivered, the UK Internal Market Scheme will also provide access to the new green lane.


When was the UK Trader Scheme replaced by the UK Internal Market Scheme?

The UK Internal Market Scheme is now open for registration and replaced the UK Trader Scheme from 30 September 2023 to enable registered traders to move goods in line with existing 'not at risk' arrangements.

It will also, from 30 September 2024, ensure that 'not at risk' movements are freed of unnecessary paperwork, checks and duties.

If you want to join the UK Internal Market Scheme, you will need to apply online for authorisation. If you're authorised, you will be able to declare your goods 'not at risk' if they are brought into NI for sale or final use by end consumers in the UK.


Where can I find more information on the UK Internal Market Scheme?

For more information on the UK Internal Market Scheme, please visit this page.