This video will help you prepare for moving goods from Great Britain to Northern Ireland using the simplified processes for Internal Market Movements. Specifically, it will guide you through how to set up and prepare your Trader Goods Profile, as doing so will help when you come to submit the Internal Market Movement Information.
00:00 – Welcome to this video on how to set up and prepare your Trader Goods Profile, as doing so will help when you come to submit the Internal Market Movement Information.
00:09 – During this video we help you to prepare for the new simplified processes for Internal Market Movements, by providing an overview of what the Trader Goods Profile is and how it fits into the overall process.
00:21 – We will demonstrate how to access your Trader Goods Profile and manage your Trader Goods Profile entries from within the Trader Support Service portal, referred to as TSS throughout this video. By the end of this video, you should know how to access your Trader Goods Profile through the TSS portal, manage your Trader Goods Profile entries via TSS, and understand the benefit of maintaining your entries.
00:45 – The Trader Goods Profile, referred to as TGP, is a HMRC tool that stores information of ‘not at risk’ goods that you commonly move from Great Britain to Northern Ireland. Every UKIMS authorised trader has a unique TGP which can be managed via GOV.UK. You also have the option to manage your TGP through the TSS portal. If you choose to do so, you will need to grant TSS permission to access your TGP information. Once set up, the information in your TGP can be used to auto-populate information in the Internal Market Movement Information data fields, saving you time. The Internal Market Movement Information, known as IMMI, is a simplified dataset that can be used for eligible goods being moved from Great Britain to Northern Ireland. If you take advantage of the TGP when completing the IMMI, you will only have to add movement-specific information such as volume, mass and value. Using the TGP is optional. You can submit the IMMI without using your TGP, however, you will need to manually enter goods information onto the form.
01:54 – The integration of TGP with TSS means that you will be able to manage and maintain your TGP, and use it to populate the IMMI, directly from TSS rather than navigating away to the government gateway. Any updates you make to the TGP on TSS will be reflected on GOV.UK, and vice versa. By managing your TGP through TSS rather than GOV.UK you have the option to grant access to a third party (haulier, intermediary or agent), to manage your TGP on your behalf. Whereas they may not be able to get access through GOV.UK, as the TGP on HMRC is accessible through your business government gateway logon. If you authorise a third party to manage your TGP and submit the IMMI on your behalf, as the UKIMS authorisation holder you are still liable of the accuracy of the data submitted in the IMMI, so it is important to ensure the information is accurate and up to date. You do have the option to authorise a third party to view and use your TGP on the IMMI, without giving them permission to manage entries.
03:02 – Each record in your TGP will contain a goods description, commodity code of 6, 8 or 10 digits, product reference, country of origin, category of goods and supplementary units if required. The product reference is your own product reference for the goods item, that can then be used by you or the third party, haulier or intermediary, to look up and populate the data stored in your TGP entry, onto the IMMI. If you were UKIMS authorised on or before 19 June 2024, you will find that your TGP has been pre-populated with goods moved from GB to NI, in the twelve months up to this date. You should review this pre-populated information before using it to populate an IMMI.
03:49 – To access your TGP from within TSS you will first need to enable it. This step involves authorising TSS to retrieve your TGP information from HMRC.
04:02 – The TSS primary account holder can check whether you have done this by selecting the Windsor Framework Trader Readiness dashboard, available on your Company Profile page.
04:11 – First you will need to indicate whether you are planning to use the Windsor Framework features. Selecting yes, will present the status of your UKIMS, NIRMS, and TGP. From here, you can navigate to the relevant section to make updates. As you can see, the TGP has already been enabled for this account. If you have not done so, the TGP and UKIMS permission guide, or Preparing for Windsor Framework using TSS video, available on the NICTA website, covers this step in more detail.
04:41 – Once you have given TSS permission to access your TGP data from HMRC, you will be able to select the Trader Goods Profile option from the top of the TSS landing page.
04:52 – The Trader Goods Profile option will be available to any TSS user who has been granted permission to access TGP information. This video uses an example Trader account. You will be taken to the Trader Goods Profile Management page where you can view your TGP entries. If you are a haulier, agent or intermediary that has been given permission to access one or more Traders’ TGP, you will be able to select the one you want to view in the drop down. Within this view you have access to all your TGP entries. You can view each entry which will contain information about the goods, including the status of the entry where you will be able to see if further information is needed, or if the entry is ‘IMMI ready’.
05:36 – From this page you have the option to search for a TGP entry using a keyword, for example, using commodity code, goods description or product reference. You can sort the display lists by clicking the column title, or apply a filter, by right click on the relevant field. You also have the option to export entries to Excel if you wish. If you have a lot of TGP entries they won’t all appear on the first page, you can view more using the arrows at the bottom of the screen.
06:06 – If you click into one of the items, the full entry is displayed. You can see here the different information fields referred to earlier in the video. You can go back to the main TGP page by clicking ‘Trader Goods Profile’ at the top of the screen.
06:19 – From here you can also create a new entry.
06:24 – Before you create a new TGP entry you will require information about the goods, such as commodity code, country of origin, any specific product reference you want to use to identify the goods to populate onto the IMMI, and any license or documentation for the goods. When you are ready, click on the ‘Create New TGP Entry’ button.
06:43 – The new entry form is used to capture goods information that can be used to populate the IMMI. Note that mandatory fields have an asterisk beside them. Starting with the product reference, for the purposes of this demo, we will create an entry for Colourful T-shirts from Morocco. The product reference is a unique description that you choose to help identify your goods movements. You, your haulier or intermediary can enter this on the IMMI to auto-populate the information. You cannot have the same product reference for two entries, if the value is not unique it will not be accepted. For this demo we will use Colourful T-shirts as the product reference.
07:24 – Similarly, for the goods description you should provide a brief but clear description of the goods and for this demo we will use Cotton T-shirts.
07:33 – You will now need to enter the commodity code. The commodity code filter is an optional field that allows you to narrow down the codes based on length. For goods eligible for the simplified processes, you can use a 6- or 8-digit code, depending on the category, as 10 digits is not required. Alternatively, you can start typing in the commodity code if known, or the description of the good and the tariff information will show based on what you enter. You can select the correct code as it appears.
08:05 – If the commodity code typed, is incorrect the message below will indicate ‘no matches found’ based on the NI online tariff. If you’re unsure what the commodity code is for your good, you can use this link which will direct you to the Tariff Tool. The commodity code effective from and to dates are read only fields which will be auto populated by TSS.
08:27 – For country of origin, start typing the country name and select from the options listed. This will save you from having to scroll through all the countries in the drop-down. For this demo, these t-shirts were made and manufactured in Morocco, so that is the country of origin for these goods.
08:44 – Only certain Category 2 goods will require a supplementary unit. You can populate this field in the entry if you move the same quantity of goods in each movement. If you move different quantities of goods then you do not need to complete this field in the TGP entry, but instead add the required value into each IMMI, each time you move the goods. Once all mandatory fields are populated, click save.
09:10 – A pop-up notification will be displayed whilst TSS exchanges information with HMRC as the TGP host. Remember, any entries created in your TGP on the TSS portal will be reflected in your TGP on GOV.UK. An initial categorisation process will be triggered at this stage and when the entry has been created the following message will be displayed. Leave this pop up open until the goods information has been updated.
09:40 – Click Close and the goods will have an assigned a category based on the information provided. Here you can see that the goods have been assigned as Standard Goods. Categorisation of your goods is important as this is what confirms that goods are eligible to use the simplified processes, including the IMMI for the goods movements.
10:00 – To determine eligibility, goods are divided into three categories. Category 2 and standard goods can move using the IMMI. Category 1, goods must move under a full declaration. Standard goods encompass all goods that have no controls and are not subject to licensing. This category includes goods moved under the Northern Ireland Retail Movement Scheme, known as NIRMS. You can move standard goods using a 6-digit commodity code on the IMMI. Category 2 goods are those subject to excise, special health, licensing or environmental controls. Category 2 includes goods moved under the Northern Ireland Plant Health Scheme, known as NIPHL. You can move category 2 goods using an 8-digit commodity code. Category 1 goods are those subject to bans or restrictions. Remember, the simplified processes do not apply to Category 1 goods. The TGP can only be used to add goods to an IMMI that are eligible to move using the simplified processes.
11:00 – Next, check the category exemption requirements and where your goods meet the criteria you can follow the exemption process. This will allow you to re-categorise your goods. For example, the goods may initially be categorised as Category 2 goods but if they meet the stated exemption then tick the ‘Exemption Met’ box and they will be re-categorised. The initial result of the goods categorisation will be displayed in the Category field. The value in the Category field for the goods, can move through the categories to ‘standard goods’ if all exemptions for the previous categories are met. If you cannot confirm that you meet the category exemptions, you should not tick the exemptions box, and the category assigned will remain.
11:43 – You may wish to use the tabs at the bottom of the page to add additional information and document references. The benefit of doing so is that information entered here can be auto populated in the IMMI. You should note that these fields are specific to TSS and therefore information added here will not be reflected in your TGP in GOV.UK. Click save to update the entry and the message confirms the update.
12:12 – Once the TGP Entry is created, it’s IMMI ready status will display as ‘true’, this means the information has been added, the goods have been categorised, and it is now IMMI ready. If the entry shows ‘false’, then attention is needed. Click on the line that requires attention and update the entry as necessary. Once the goods entry shows as IMMI ready you can use entries from your TGP to auto-populate information into the IMMI for your goods movements. Doing so, will reduce the number of fields you need to complete manually.
12:48 – If you need to update an existing entry you can click into the item, from the Trader Goods Profile Management page and make the necessary updates. It is recommended that you regularly check the entries in your TGP to ensure they are ‘IMMI Ready’ as the status can change. For example, if there is a change to the commodity on the Online Trade Tariff you may need to update the entry.
13:10 – Depending on what changes you are making, you may be prompted to provide additional information. You may need to re-categorise your goods, for example if you change the commodity or country of origin.
13:22 – You may also wish to delete an entry completely. To do this click the delete button. If you delete the entry, it cannot be used on the IMMI. Since the TGP is a live service hosted by HMRC, any updates you make on GOV.UK will be reflected on the TSS Portal, and vice versa.
13:43 – In addition to this video, the Northen Ireland Customs and Trade Academy website also contains detailed guides. You can find further information on how to use the TGP for ‘not at risk’ goods movements and how to manage TGP entries via TSS in the ‘The Trader Goods Profile guide.’ The ‘TSS Permissions Management for TGP and UKIMS guide’ provides information to assist you in setting up and managing associated permissions and authorisations. A full guide directory is available via the Support Resources option. You can also navigate to regular bulletins and access webinars from the Support Resources tab.
14:25 – If you have any questions, please contact the Trader Support Service to help with your query. You can also reference the guidance available on GOV.UK or find further information on the Northern Ireland Customs & Trade Academy website.
14:39 – Thank you for listening and that concludes this video on how to prepare for The Windsor Framework using the Trader Goods Profile.